Just simple words …..to share a very complex issue about dementia….when parents no longer recognize their children. It is a very shocking and poignant moment when this first happens …. but I do believe the parent knows who you are you deep inside.


I love this little lady,
Though she doesn’t know my name ;
She doesn’t say too much at all,
But I love her all the same;
We’ve been best friends for oh so long,
We’ve been through thick and thin;
She always has been there for me,
No matter where I’ve been,
She always is polite and kind,
She smiles at everyone ;
She still likes to look pretty ,
And her nails are nicely done;
She has some trouble with a fork
She cannot tie a bow,
She cannot buckle up her shoes,
The things she used to know …
She cannot do her buttons,
But she loves to hear a song ,
She’ll listen to a story
If it isn’t really long,
She loves the little picture books
That she once read to me ….
The times we spent together
When I sat upon her knee….
Although she doesn’t know me
She still lights up when I come ,
And I will never let her down ….
This little lady… I call Mom .❤️

By Janet Fraser ( An excerpt from my book : “Just Another Day in the Retirement Home“