It is said that ”those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day ” . I heard those lovely comforting words on many occasions, and yet the depth of those words and the truth of the words is more evident to me now, when some years have passed since the loss of my mom, dad, grandparents and others. It has been five years since mom passed, and seven for dad , and yet their daily presence is as real today as it always has been.
With every thought , decision I make, or ideas I ponder, their words of comfort or wisdom are whispered gently in my ear . Their influence and support is ever present. The music they loved, the colours they wore, the plants they nurtured, their hand writing on old letters, brings a warm feeling of love and support I would never have thought possible after their passing. Perhaps it is the gift of 65 years of love that still warms my heart every day. They are an invisible presence in my life , as they walk beside me every day . My grief has been replaced with gratitude.