Christmas day some years ago, we had just finished our turkey dinner when the power went out. We were a small group that year…..only my elderly parents, sister, my husband and I. We sat in the living room, candles lit, and decided to tell about Christmases past.

My sister and I shared stories of visiting the Eaton’s Santa in the ‘50s and remembered the bear Pumpkinhead. I remembered talking directly to Santa at the North Pole in 1956 at CKTB radio station in St. Catharines!

Mom remembered her first Christmas in Canada in 1931. Two people from the Salvation Army visited with groceries and a dolly for her. Dad remembered his first Christmas tree in Canada, in 1929.They decorated it with home-made candies and walnuts. He recalled the kindness of his Kindergarten teacher, Miss Emerson, who gave him extra attention, helping him with the new language. Another teacher gave him used skates.

In the five hours that the power was off, no one mentioned presents…..only experiences, kindness, and the feelings of Christmas.

Now when Christmas comes, without my parents to share it with, I cherish so much,

the gift of stories my parents gave us that Christmas day, when the power went out.