My Dad had been in hospital for twenty-two days in 2014 and during that dark time he was gravely ill with sepsis. I thought I would lose him during that particular time and I was not ready . This was one of many hospital stays that my father had during the last two years of..
Category: Excerpts from the book
Just simple words … share a very complex issue about dementia….when parents no longer recognize their children. It is a very shocking and poignant moment when this first happens …. but I do believe the parent knows who you are you deep inside. Mom I love this little lady, Though she doesn’t know my name..
EXCERPT: The First Five Years Last Forever Between daily hospital visits with Mom, I tried to spend as much time as I could with my little granddaughter who was learning and growing at a miraculous rate. She was exploring her environment, discovering new words, taking first steps, and learning to feed herself. She was a..