Category: Grief,Loss, Caregiving, Dementia

The Three Elves

There they are, looking at me, while I work in the garden. They are ‘the three elves’ looking somewhat bedraggled now as they work away in my garden , with their worn out tools. They have been a part of the family for over thirty years now, but I cannot let myself part with them…

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October is a month of gratitude

It is gratitude which allowed me to accept the loss of my mom and dad. At first the loss is unimaginable . One cannot process a loss so profound. It is difficult to accept that they are no longer with us. Over time , sorting through photos, letters and cards, there is an opportunity to..

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Even the best golfers grow old !

The snow is starting to melt and I can see the grass showing on the many beautiful golf courses in the area! They will soon be filled with golf carts and happy golfers who have waited all winter for this! My dad used to be one of them….and even though he has been gone for..

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