It’s September . It is apple picking time and the scent of apple sauce cooking on the stove brings back a flood of memories of my parents’ little backyard orchard! The trees were planted when my dad’s retirement years began. It was a new hobby for him and he kept meticulous records about each tree..
Category: Gardening
There they are, looking at me, while I work in the garden. They are ‘the three elves’ looking somewhat bedraggled now as they work away in my garden , with their worn out tools. They have been a part of the family for over thirty years now, but I cannot let myself part with them…
When the calendar turns to September I feel profoundly nostalgic, not so much because summer is coming to an end, but because September makes me think of my Dad . September is Dad’s month ! His birthday falls in the middle of September and he loved this time of year. He loved the fresh cooler..
During the hot hot days of summer , when the local fruit stands are overflowing with fresh local fruit and vegetables, I realize how very fortunate I have been to grow up in the Niagara Region! Fresh fruits and veggies are there for the picking every summer! It takes me back to early childhood when..