Tag: Caregiving

We were making memories

All through the caregiving years, we were still making memories although I did not realize then, how precious our caregiving memories would become. Every life stage matters. Even though your parent or loved one cannot do everything they once did, there is still a beautiful bond, and time spent together is precious , whether it..

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The Christmas the power went out

Christmas day some years ago, we had just finished our turkey dinner when the power went out. We were a small group that year…..only my elderly parents, sister, my husband and I. We sat in the living room, candles lit, and decided to tell about Christmases past. My sister and I shared stories of visiting the Eaton’s Santa in the ‘50s..

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Apple Picking Time

It’s September . It is apple picking time and the scent of apple sauce cooking on the stove brings back a flood of memories of my parents’ little backyard orchard! The trees were planted when my dad’s retirement years began. It was a new hobby for him and he kept meticulous records about each tree..

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Even the best golfers grow old !

The snow is starting to melt and I can see the grass showing on the many beautiful golf courses in the area! They will soon be filled with golf carts and happy golfers who have waited all winter for this! My dad used to be one of them….and even though he has been gone for..

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